Windows 2000 MCSE Training
With Microsoft Windows 2000 certification, you can be part
of the elite group of professionals who will take companies
through Windows 2000 migration and beyond. By completing
your MCSE certification with B
& C courses, you will be prepared to plan,
implement, maintain, and support a Windows 2000 operating
system, and capitalize on the need for qualified professionals
with these skills.

Windows 2000
• 13 Sessions, 3 MasterExams, 3 Study Guides Courseware includes core training for NT 4.0
Workstation, Server, and Server Enterprise, three MasterExam
test preparation programs, three comprehensive Microsoft
approved Sybex Study Guides, PLUS Free Windows 2000 Planning
and Preparation training course and 25% off the Windows 2000
Accelerated Exam Prep kit. |

Windows 2000 MCSE
Core Series MCSE 2000 Core Requirements
• 19 Sessions - 57 Hours of CD Training Professional Admin., Server Admin., Network
Infrastructure Admin., Directory Services Admin. Preparation
for Exams: 70-210, 70-215, 70-216, 70-217 |

Windows 2000 MCSE
Core PLUS Series MCSE 2000 Core Plus 1
Design Requirement
• 24 Sessions - 72 Hours of CD Training Professional Admin., Server Admin., Network
Infrastructure Admin., Directory Services Admin., Plus: (A)
Network Infrastructure Design OR (B) Network Security
Design OR (C) Directory Services Design Preparation for
Exams: 70-210, 70-215, 70-216, 70-217 Plus 70-221 OR 70-219 OR
70-220 |
Video |
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Windows 2000 MCSE CLASSIC
MCSE 2000 Core Plus All 3
Design Electives
• 34 Sessions - 102 Hours of CD Training Professional Admin., Server Admin., Network
Infrastructure Admin., Directory Services Admin., Network
Infrastructure Design, Directory Services Design, Network
Security Design Preparation for Exams: 70-210, 70-215, 70-216,
70-217, 70-221, 70-219, 70-220 |

Windows 2000 MCSE
ACCELERATED Exam Prep for Windows NT 4.0
MCPs A comprehensive study course designed specifically
for MCPs who have passed the NT 4.0 Workstation, Server, and
Server Enterprise exams, and are experienced in NT 4.0 System
Preparation for Exam: 70-240 |
For additional info or current pricing call (541) 601-8282 or